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Live/Work Space 37/6

Live/Work Space 37/6 is a site & time-specific installation by Joshua Moreno that explores the shifting perception of objects within the context of a studio visit. Joshua's interests in cause & effect, time, human intervention, & chance are highlighted in an immersive & interactive experience. Inside of the space, gathered materials such as glass, paper, sand, & plastic are incorporated for their potential to be influenced by the natural light & wind. Additionally, objects regarded as “props” are utilized as staging devices & are displayed with completed and in-progress drawings, paintings, & sculptures made by Joshua from 2009 to the present. The site’s daily use as an art studio & residence generates visible traces of the artmaking process & human occupancy that are continually added, removed, shaped, & reshaped, developing the space more & more. During each visit, Joshua will be present to discuss his body of work & answer questions about ideas examined in his studio.

Live/Work Space 37/6 will be open to the public until September 30th

To schedule a studio visit contact Joshua by email or phone at: 


Available days/hours are Mon-Sun from 2 - 7 PM