Celebrate 15 Years…


...Become a SpaceMaker!

In December 2009, Space 4 Art’s founders took a leap of faith and signed the lease for a dynamic Arts Center in downtown’s East Village. Fifteen years later, despite rampant gentrification and ever-rising rents, we are still here— and still the only organization in San Diego to provide affordable artist housing and studio space. 

Thanks to everyone who donated in 2024 during our Year-End Campaign. We raised a little over $10,000, which will help us continue supporting artists with below-market rent, while providing meaningful arts education to underserved local schoolchildren and free events to the public.

In honor of the 15th anniversary of our essential work, please consider becoming a SpaceMaker in 2025 by giving recurring donations of $15 (or more!) for the next 12 months. If you give $30 per month, you’d basically be giving A Dollar A Day to S4A!


Below are some examples of how your $15 recurring gifts would add up for an impactful year-end sum.

$15/month = $180 annually

$15 2x/month = $30/month = $360 annually (A Dollar A Day to S4A!)

$15 weekly = $65/month = $780 annually

$15 daily = $456/month = $5,475 annually

The first 15 donors to enroll at the $15+/month level will receive a special gift of limited-edition S4A notecards. Recurring donors at various levels will receive other perks, too, as noted on the Donor Perks chart below.

Will you help us celebrate the 15th Anniversary of our essential work by donating $15+/month today?

At Space 4 Art, every gift is meaningful. Below are some other examples of how your recurring gifts will add up impactfully.

$10/month = $120 annually      $50/month = $600 annually    

        $20/month = $240 annually      $75/month = $900 annually    

        $25/month = $300 annually     $100/month = $1,200 annually

Please enroll as a SpaceMaker today in honor of our 15th anniversary!

Whether making a one-time donation or becoming a recurring monthly donor, here are some ways to make your gifts:

  • CREDIT CARD or PAYPAL - Click the orange DONATE buttons.

  • VENMO - @Space4Art (4 digits of associated phone number = 2315).

  • CHECK - Mail to 340 16th St., San Diego, CA 92101.

Thank you so much for helping us continue to #MakeSpace4Art!


Donors at various levels may join us in 2025 for a summer coffee social, enjoy a complimentary drink or reserved parking at Open Studios (April, December), attend some artist talks, dine with our Executive Director, or experience a healing-arts workshop.


Review our 2024 Impact Report and most recent Audited Financials by clicking below:

We recently earned a Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency! Check out our nonprofit profile to keep up to date with our impact. Simply click on the Candid icon farther below.

Is your organization interested in becoming a sponsor or partner? Learn more here.

Space 4 Art is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax-deductible as provided by law.