Inner World of Imagination

In 2020, Space 4 Art resident artists, Sean Francis Conway and May-ling Martinez, worked with groups of students from KC Rise, the after-school program at King-Chavez Arts & Athletic Academy to create collaborative collage work addressing themes of identity and love. The students started with individual works on a single sheet of paper which were then merged with others’ works over the course of the program cycle. These resulted in collaborative collages made into magazines, postcards, and other products. They also created self portraits and were introduced to different music instruments.

“I learned how to like my art and to work with others” - Student “E.M”.  

“I learned how to make a book with one piece of paper” - Student “A.L.”

“I learned how to be able to be confident when showing my art”- Student “M.W.”

The project culminated in an online video exhibit, “The Inner World of Imagination”, showcasing the work done by these students along with the time spent between artists and students. We invite you to take a peek into what the students created…

This project was funded in whole or in part with Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to the City of San Diego.

Space 4 Art