San Diego Gives

Space 4 Art is excited to participate in San Diego Gives this year! San Diego Gives is an online fundraiser that aims to “create a special day of giving across San Diego County, build a community resource for local nonprofit organizations, and connect people to the causes they care about most.”

At Space 4 Art, we believe artists are an essential part of any thriving city– our resident artists innovate, teach, run small nonprofits, enrich our lives with their work, and challenge all of us to see from unfamiliar perspectives. We aim to support artists whose work hasn't yet found a place in the commercial marketplace because we believe their practices play an especially important role in our community. We support artists by providing them with affordable rental space– in 2022 alone, Space 4 Art will save our resident artists over $150,000 in rental costs.

The funds Space 4 Art raises through San Diego Gives will help us continue providing artist housing and studio space at 50-60% of the cost of average local rental rates. While our own rent has increased significantly, the rental freeze we put into place for our artists during the original COVID-19 shutdown remains in effect. We need your help to KEEP artists living and creating in America’s Finest City. Early giving begins July 16th!

How you can help:

  • Donate $5-$25. Early giving for San Diego Gives begins on July 16th. If you benefit from or resonate with the mission of Space 4 Art, please consider making a small donation to help us meet our goal of engaging at least 30 donors.

  • Donate $50 or more. Do you have more to give? Your donation will help us meet our goal of raising at least $3,500.

  • Attend an event on July 16th. San Diego Gives sponsors are hosting several in-person events to kickoff the fundraiser. A portion of the proceeds from these events will be distributed amongst participating nonprofits. You can view the list of events here.

  • Host your own peer-to-peer fundraiser. This is similar to a Facebook birthday fundraiser, and we make it super simple for you! Please contact if you are interested in learning more.

  • Spread the word. Share this blog post with people you know who want to support artists and the arts in San Diego! Your advocacy will help us meet our goals of raising awareness about Space 4 Art and engaging at least 20 new donors.

#MakeSpace4Art Stickers

As a token of our appreciation, we will send each donor one of our #MakeSpace4Art stickers! These were designed with love by S4A Resident Artist Jonny Hoolko. Once you find a place for your sticker, we encourage you to post a photo or video on social media. Make sure to tag @sdspace4art and use the hashtag #MakeSpace4Art . Let’s see how much SPACE 4 San Diego artists we can make together!

Space 4 Art