Mid-Year Impact Report

Space 4 Art’s 2022 Mid-Year Impact Report is here! We invite you to read the entire report and celebrate all that you have helped make possible. Below are a few highlights we are particularly proud of.

Dr. Chris Warren performing at S4A’s March Open Studios. | PC Nancee Lewis Photography

Over the past five months, Space 4 Art has saved our resident artists over $65,000 in rental costs! We are proud of our commitment to affordability, continuing to extend a rental freeze on artists’ studios as local rates shot up 30 percent in the last year. In the words of resident artist Dr. Chris Warren, “Were it not for Space 4 Art and its affordable work/love spaces, I would have been forced to leave this city upon completion of my degree, as have most of my classmates.”

Crawford High School Seniors, Kylie (left) and Benson, being interviewed during the final stages of their eight-week collaboration with Linda Litteral.

Our arts education program is up and running at full steam! Space 4 Art has facilitated over 1,200 student interactions with teaching artists this semester. We recently celebrated the completion of S4A Artist and Board Secretary Linda Litteral’s healing arts and ceramics installation project with students at Crawford High School. Senior Kylie had this to say about her experience, “Before working with Linda, many of us only painted what we thought others wanted to see.” Her classmate Benson added, “Linda taught us to express ourselves with complete freedom.”

S4A’s Director of Operations and Administration, Suchita Jariwala, playing Holi with an Open Studios guest. | PC Nancee Lewis Photography

We are thrilled to be hosting in person events again after such a long time apart! S4A Resident Artist Ryan Griffith declared our March Open Studios “the best we’ve ever had.” With four performances, the chance to play Holi, and 20 visual arts studios open, the energy was playful and exuberant. We hope to see you all for our next Open Studios on Friday, June 17th, from 7 to 9:30 PM! RSVP to let us know you’re coming.

Space 4 Art